Thursday, March 20, 2003

Little George And FOX-y Gems
He looks so earnest. He also looks tired and mildly constipated. Dubya is the man of the hour, he’s on the tube this morning when I wake up seven hours ahead of GMT and I expect he may well be back before I hit the sack tonight. His words are messianic and familiar and scary. The religious ideologues in the White House have won the day.
Weird thing is that the networks are all reporting that once he authorized that cruise missile attack and made his “gonna gedd’im” speech from the Oval office, he went to bed. More proof that Bush’s own religious beliefs that concluded his brand of Christian Fundamentalism Lite provides him comfort and support but no wisdom and little insight.
With the exception of the two hours I was in the gym beating the fill out of the heavy bag and negotiating the services of a personal trainer (I blush to admit I’m considering it but despite three and four-time weekly visits that have bulked me up topside these past two months, my gut continues on a messianic expansion of its own) I’ve been watching TV most of the day, flipping between BBC and CNN for news but when I’m looking for drama, I drift down to the far right of the dial to our friends at FOX (“All War, All The Time!”).
It’s a naughty little secret but I love FOX. I need to watch Ollie North, Bush’s kind of all-American hero, the kinda guy who’s ready to flip the finger at the very political institutions the US War of Independence was fought for in order to go and whack a bunch of Spanish-speaking proto-commies, geared up and good to go with the first Marine helicopters into Iraq (and later broadcasting from inside his chem.-suit); I’ve gotta have my fix of BeeBee or DeeDee or whatever her name is on the morning show, with the “fuck me” pumps, hoochie-chick slit skirts and, like, five flaxed-haired kids at home; I need their fetishistic roll-call of American weaponry, “two-thousand-pound, laser-guided bun-ker-bus-tin’ bombs” and “F-111A Stealth bomb-ers, and “Taw-ma-hawk cruise missiles which are almost invisible to the Eye-rakie radar” which are all part of the Pentagon’s “shock and awe invasion scheme”. Yum. Does that smell like the dream-weavers from Hill & Knowlton?
Tell me more about those Smart Bombs and Surgical Strikes I’ve been hearing so much about!
Here’s a sample of today’s offerings logged during a single 20 minute sitting.
“Saddam Hussein has killed more Moslems than anyone in history”
“Anyone who stirs up U.S. Marines better watch out.”
“The Patriot 3 PAC system is working like a charm.”
“This is the most ambitious foreign policy gamble an American president has made since the end of the Second World War.”
“We’ve got a gas mask here in the studio but not because we’ve got any fears of a chemical attack here in New York…”
“It’s a weird part of the world (Israel) and Saddam Hussein is one of the main reasons why”
The only thing that bums me out is there’s no clear answer to the question on everybody’s lips: “Where In The Heck Is Geraldo Rivera?”

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