Monday, January 25, 2010

Grinch Population Increases by Two

Your Grinch is somewhat less grumpy that usual this week due to the arrival of his first pups, a male and a female, who emerged into the harsh light of day seven weeks earlier than expected on January 14.
In the manner of their species, they will henceforth be referred to as Boy and Girl, until such time as they are old enough to chose a name for themselves.
Fraternal twins, they bear almost no resemblance to each other which is merciful because who wants to waste the brainpower trying to sort out one spooky identical twin from the other. I believe the Girl most resembles me:

The jury is undecided about the Boy. It is worth noting that anthropological geneticists posit the reason pups most often resemble he what sired ‘em, is a holdover from a more primitive era when fathers were known to eat newborns who’s lineage might be in question (rather than fattening them up for a later date as is now the case).
The missus and I brought the Girl to the den today for the first time, 11 days after she rent the pre-dawn skies with her Grinchy wails. The Boy will remain in his toaster for some more days in a secure facility well away from vulnerable life forms with inferior innate survival skills, like fawns, bunnies, Who-manoids and other bite-sized aperitifs masquerading as sentient.
Herself and I are of course moderately not-unhappy about this event and look forward to sharing our multiple 3-4 a.m. feedings with residents of neighboring den units. The Girl’s viewing hours will be restricted for the next few days, but once the bars of her cage are properly welded she will pose no danger to our guests.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to proud daddy and mommy! Looking forward to seeing some pics...Alison

Andy Jukes said...

Hey, congratulations! As the father of three, I can assure you that it's going to be a wild ride!