Monday, November 23, 2009

Yikes! Year+ Since Last Blog

You might be wondering what would provoke me today to resurface.
I mean, since Oct 2008, we've had some seismic stuff going on here, multiple interlocking corruption scandals worth billions in Indonesia, a hip new messiah/prez in the US, a milestone anniversary for the Montreal Canadiens, and a few other wee bits and pieces (we'll get to those in a sec) to spice things up.
So what, you ask, has lit the fire under yer Grinch's furry behind? Well, one of my Facebook contacts posted a note earlier today saying that my cable & internet provider has blocked access to
The reasons are a bit hazy but it apparently has something to do with a new letter from the ministry of information and technology the contents of which I've not yet seen. All I can confirm is that I can't log on @ home (First Media) but I can here in the office (which conversely blocks access to FB for reasons unrelated to this note).
So it seems now, at least temporarily, the country's largest cable provider and one of the most powerful industrial conglomerates in Indonesia, has decided I can't write in my blog. So, I'm gonna write in my blog.
Perhaps the floodgates will now open: only time will tell. What I can tell you by way of a teaser is that:
Ths morning I bought three toilets and two bathroom sinks;
In 30 mins I'll watch the boss sign a contract worth a ton of dough for the new project I'm managing, and
The day will close out with the missus and I @ the doctor's office to check the brood.

1 comment:

alison (friend of Vancouver Griff!) said...

glad that you're back, Paul! Looking forward to reading more...